Clients and Projects


A number of projects that illustrate our digital technology-related services of IRG through the past decades.

Market research, conceptual work, business development – we have supported renowned manufacturing, trading, service firms of various industries, including well-known IT firms:

    • Check-up of a proprietary aviation communication system, analysis of cost saving potentials
      Client: Aviation Company
    • Workshops for improving and adapting the existing IT Controlling.
      Client: Heavy Industry Company
    • Study on opportunities of how to increase productivity and improve reporting in Competitive Price Monitoring, basing upon innovative IT equipment
      Client: Food Retail Chain
    • Analysis of the revenue structures in the field of office devices, distinguishing revenues out of hardware, financing, and services
      Client: IT Technology Company
    • Europe-wide expert meetings with customers, discussing quality and requirements towards product, services, brand, image, and customer relationships
      Client: International IT-Technology Company
    • International telephone-based interrogation of CFOs regarding cost saving opportunities within IT
      Client: Sponsorship
    • Concept, programming, and hosting / servicing of a control station for complex logistics service processes, integrating 6 companies (2 railway companies, 3 vessel providers, 1 industrial companies with 2 works and 3 more cargo stations) – Internet Control Station Project
      Client: International Railway Company
    • Study and pilot project on business process automation regarding direct marketing
      Client: Power Provider
    • Digital workplace analysis, cost benefit study on an improved equipment of office and outdoor workplaces through an integrated IT
      Client: Manufacturing Company
    • Study on the present business processes of purchasing operational person-related IT services, working out a materials management-like concept for IT services providing a catalogue and e-procurement capability
      Client: IT Division of German Top-3 Bank
    • Study on the equipment of workplaces, departments, and divisions with digital equipment (PCs, printers, copiers, software applications, etc.) and its total cost of ownership
      Client: Manufacturing Company
    • Organising a tender for digital workplace devices
      Client: Manufacturing Company
    • World-wide study on opportunities and threats implied by the internet and internet-based new business models
      Client: Manufacturing Company
    • Comparative survey of outsourcing and service business models, service level agreements, pricing structures, and billing models
      Client: IT Technology Firm
    • Survey of applications of 4 colour digital press for professional direct marketing (1:1-Marketing) basing upon personalised printing
      Client: IT Technology Company