Creation of Corporate Crypto Payment Systems 17.03.2025

249,00  plus VAT where applicable

Value systems such as jetons, vouchers, trading stamps and loyalty credits ar nothing else than de-facto currency tokens.
Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and many more crypto currencies have been created to become independent from government and central banks.
On the blockchains they represent digital means for payment, preservation of value, and transfers of values.

How can companies guarantee for frictionless business and trade using proprietary payment systems, can they create alternate money systems ?
That´s precisely the point in our Online Seminar; how can corporate entities create well-working value systems on a private and proprietary base?


About this Online Seminar:

The Internet of Value utilizes Distributed Ledger Technologies, in order to store and transfer information and values in a safe and efficient manner.

Value systems such as bonus systems, vouchers, trading stamps, jetons or credits within customer loyalty programmes have evidently been money-equivalent value storages for consumers. 

Financial Crisis and later the CoVid-19 pandemic have financially exhausted governments and central banks. Years-long money printing and most recent political influence on central banks, have gradually eaten up trustworthiness of Central Banks and their fiat paper money.  This erosion of credibility goes hand in hand with inflationary trends. Your value inventory called “money” permanently gets less while prices are rising.

At the same time, and despite heavy ups and downs,  crypto-currencies like Bitcoin or Ether, enjoy an increased public interest.

From a scientific and research curiosity driven point of view, we raise the question:  

How could private organisations and firms guarantee frictionsless trade basing upon proprietary, self-made payment systems – in particular stable coins where value is fixed to real assets ? 

How could supply chains become independent from traditional banking industry, by using alternate money systems?

So far, the most prominent crypto-currency is Bitcoin. Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and many other crypto-currencies have been created to enable business activity on blockchains. One of the driving forces of their creators was the idea that Decentralised Finance (DeFi) provides digital means for payment, preservation of value, and safe transfer of value units – independent from politics, governments, and central banks.

Some companies have announced releasing their own proprietary currencies.

This Online Seminar deals with the point how corporations or private organisations may create their own currency, payment and value systems within their ecosystems such as supply chains.

    • Digitalisation and Disruption in Financial Industries
    • Distributed Ledger Technologies and the Blockchain
    • Money, Functionality of Money, Payment Systems, Value Systems
    • The Nature of Tokens and Creation of Crypto Currencies and Corporate Crypto Payment Systems
    • Management staff concerned with strategy, new business development, product management
    • Project management
    • Entrepreneurs and corporate start-up management

Your Speaker:

Prof. Dr. Carl B. Welker is a digital entrepreneur. He is head of the IADT; his business practice is working for research and strategy departments of renowned industrial and technology firms.


Monday  17.03.2025    03:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m.

participation fee:

€  249,00 plus 19% VAT


Why we emphasize Online Seminars:

Here you find the predominant 5 points that count for our clients:

    • More flexible time management – this seminar solely consumes single time slots, no longer complete workdays blocked in your calendar
    • Your attendence independent from where you are – join our sessions from any place you prefer 
    • Better usage of your scarce working time: despite attending the seminar, you can still accept other telephone conferences, a personal meeting – or take your kids to the kindergarden before work 
    • No more time losses due to travelling, e.g. arrivals the day before and overnight stays
    • No more extra expenses for travel and accomodation
Certificate of Participation:

Attendees receive a personalised Certificate of Participation, issued by the IADT Institute.


This Online Seminar will be organised by IADT Academy @ IADT Institute.