Online Seminar: Digital Transformation 21.09. / 12.10. / 16.11.2024

1.259,67  plus VAT where applicable

Further digitalisation of economies leads to a question:  Let digital disruption overwhelm your business or shouldn´t you actively utilise digitalisation and disrupt yourself?
That´s why this Online Seminar has been developed for all responsible management layers.

Our set of webinars provides all neccessary know-how in a compact and well-structured mode – knowledge on all relevant aspects of Digital Transformation.

Up-to-date cases provide fast grip on learning content, in a most practice-driven manner.


About this Online Seminar

Increasing digitization raises the question: Let digital disruption wash over you or actively use digitalization yourself and apply it disruptively?

That’s why this seminar event was developed for specialists and managers from all departments.

Our webinar series provides all participants with the necessary knowledge on the key aspects of digital transformation in a compact and well-structured format.

Current case studies illustrate the learning content in a practice-oriented way.

Session 1:  Introduction and Basics

    • The world in upheaval: Is the digital revolution coming?
    • The nature of disruption: Prominent examples, characteristics of disruption
    • Strategic model, strategic principles, strategic goals
    • Elements of innovation, creative destruction, the “start-up questions”
    • Red ocean vs. blue ocean, the 4 measures framework, examples

Session 2:     Logics and Mechanics of Digitization

    • Conceptual basics (e.g. IoT, m2m, CPE, etc.)
    • Logic and mechanics of digitization
    • Practical examples of successful digitization
    • Strategic impact
    • Goals, effects, benefits

Session 3:  Digitization within Management and Operations

    • The 10  Digitalisation Modules for management processes
    • The 12  Digitalisation Modules for operations
    • Summary, next steps, outlook
    • Responsible staff from strategy, business development, corporate development departments
    • Chief digital officers
    • Project managers
    • Founders and corporate spin-off management / corporate start-up management       
Your Speaker

Prof. Dr. Carl B. Welker is himself active in digital business. He teaches digitalization, entrepreneurship and strategy at leading universities.

At the IADT Institute he conducts research and strategy development for well-known industrial and technology companies.


Dates and times

This Online Seminar covers the content of 3 complete half-day seminars.

Day 1   Saturday  21.09.2024    08:00-09:00 a.m.     09:15-10:15 a.m.    10:30-11:30 a.m.

Day 2   Saturday  12.10.2024    08:00-09:00 a.m.     09:15-10:15 a.m.    10:30-11:30 a.m.

Day 3   Saturday  16.11.2024    08:00-09:00 a.m.     09:15-10:15 a.m.    10:30-11:30 a.m.

participation fee

Basic Online Seminar (3 x 180 min)

€  1,259.67 plus VAT 19% for all 3 days

Why we emphasize Online Seminars

Here you find the predominant 5 points that count for our clients:

    • More flexible time management – this seminar solely consumes single time slots, no longer complete workdays blocked in your calendar
    • Your attendence independent from where you are – join our sessions from any place you prefer 
    • Better usage of your scarce working time: despite attending the seminar, you can still accept other telephone conferences, a personal meeting – or take your kids to the kindergarden before work 
    • No more time losses due to travelling, e.g. arrivals the day before and overnight stays
    • No more extra expenses for travel and accomodation
Certificate of Participation

Attendees receive a personalised Certificate of Participation, issued by the IADT Institute.


This Online Seminar will be organised by IADT Academy @ IADT Institute.

Please also consider our complementary seminars:

Seminar A.1    Data-based Smart Products

Seminar A.2    Digital Business Process Design and Workflow-Management

Seminar A.3    Creating new Digital Business Models 

Seminar A.4    10+1 Technologies for Digital Transformation